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             Warren T Software            



Here is my simple and cheap in car GPS navigation system.





In Car GPS


First the limitation, it only shows where I am, not how to get anywhere.

It has turned out to be fairly accurate, always a bonus.


Virus Information


Approx Cost


IPAQ HX4700 PDA (I used my work one)



CE OziExplorer Software



Compact Flash GPS Receiver







I’m sure that any Pocket PC PDA can be used with the GPS unit I choose, however as I had a PDA for work already I used that. It also has the added bonus of having one of the fastest processors found in a PDA.



I choose the Oziexplorer software because it has both desktop and PDA components. I used the desktop component to create the maps. You don’t need this unless you want to create your own maps.



The Holux GM270 Ultra I choose uses the new SiRFXTrac for greater sensitivity. I’ve seen it working while sitting on the back seat (without an external antenna plugged in). See http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/holuxgm270ultra.php for details on the receiver.